Weather Data - Short List
Short List
Short list
Regional surface analyses
Regional analyses
Current Weather
Current Weather
Weather Forecasts
Weather Forecasts
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Current weather
Data Source Available information
Local data Illinois, NWS/IWIN
new NWS links
IL Weather | Radar | LivePix | movie | DAS | ISWS | Obs. | Fcst. | Zones | Discussion | State | Roads | Midwest weather page
Satellite Wisconsin, U.I./ww2010 GOES satellite news / Visible | Infrared | Water vapor | Global | animations / WW2010 - visible | infrared | vapor / RAMSDIS
RAP | GHCC | CSU Closeup: Evansville | Minneapolis | Wichita | Denver | Detroit | CO/KS/OK | pick your own
Radar/LTG NOAA, TWC, U.IL, WSI, EW, AccuWx, LgtStore U.S. | ILX | all sites | US/TWC | IL (ww2010) | IL (Intellicast) | Stormwatch® | pick any site (AccuWx) | Lightning
Surface maps HPC, TWC, SPC, IWIN map w/satellite | current weather | TWC severe outlook | SPC svr outlook | day-3 | svr watches | all watches | Inter.Wx.Info.Network: warnings page | graphics/text
Illinois U.S. wind, temp. | Illinois wind, temp. | 9-panel
Live Camera WeatherNet San Francisco | PikesPeak | Lincoln | Minneapolis | Chicago | St.Louis | Cinci. | Washington | Tampa | Alberta
Tropical wx. NHC Outlook | Advisory | Update | Track | Local | NHC | Satellite: East coast vis | IR | Atlantic | FL | GA-VA | Navy SST | NCEP SST | NHC 06zTropSfc
Drought info NOAA | Climate Diagnostics Center U.S. drought conditions map
Precip total: week / month / season // % of normal: month / season
Temperature: week / month / season // vs. normal: month / season

Weather forecasts
Data Source Update Available information
Surface maps Weather Channel Twice
This afternoon | Next morning | Next day | Fcst low temps | High temps | fcst for: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
Short range UW, UI, NCEP, HPC, UKMO, EC ~Twice
12-hour | 24-hr | 36-hr | 48-hr | 60-hr | PrType | meteograms | eta soundings / CMI | Eta svr page | World | Canada Noon wind,RH,rain / 6 pm wind,RH,rain
3-day, regional COLA Daily West: Today | Tomorrow | Day-3
Central: Today | Tomorrow | Day-3
East: Today | Tomorrow | Day-3
Long-range Unisys 6am daily 2-10 days (USA) | w/precipitation | Europe
Extended look NOAA/CDC late AM Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | movie | Wk 2

See also the group weather page of the NCSA Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Group.
My weather briefing page is also online.

Brian F. Jewett | | homepage
updated 12/02